What it takes to do what I do everyday.

Acting Skills, Teaching Skills, Writing Skills, Healing Skills, Reading Skills, Math Skills, Cooking Skills, Believing in the impossible skills. And most importantly Binge Drinking Skills.
Not everyone can do it.. and only the Greats
(Like me) can do it well.. Being a Mother, A wife, A lover, a fighter, a Narrator, A director, a teacher of fine human skills is hard work.. And this is how I do it. Or try anyway.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Pen to Paper..

Im trying really hard not to let life get to me. 
Im trying really hard not to let myself get to me.
I'm trying really really hard not to let breathing be hard
I'm trying really hard not to be a burdon 
Living for me isnt good enough anymore..
I have to live for something, anything.
My children
My Husband
My friends
My nephews and neices
I have to live.. Even though its hard some days
Living is difficult when all I do is the same thing everyday.
Thats what my life is.. a constant effort to Eat Sleep and breath
Writing helps.
It gives me perspective. I recklessly allow myself to over think everything
and with Pen to paper,
I dont think. 
The lack of thought gets me through the minutes it takes me to type my fears
my hopes
My dreams
My visions of the future.

So here i am. 

Living in the now. 
Living in the moment
Writing for me.. 


  1. Kat...I remember feeling that way, especially when my kids were young and it was almost more work then it was worth to get myself let alone them ready to go anywhere. My advice, just do it. Throw you hair up in a pony tail and your kids in a stroller, even if they are still in there pj's and go for a walk. Walk for 5 mins even, but get out. It makes coming back to the every day grind easier. :)

  2. ps...I like your poem and I too enjoy writing :)
