What it takes to do what I do everyday.

Acting Skills, Teaching Skills, Writing Skills, Healing Skills, Reading Skills, Math Skills, Cooking Skills, Believing in the impossible skills. And most importantly Binge Drinking Skills.
Not everyone can do it.. and only the Greats
(Like me) can do it well.. Being a Mother, A wife, A lover, a fighter, a Narrator, A director, a teacher of fine human skills is hard work.. And this is how I do it. Or try anyway.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Dying for something Sacred..

   I've always said it, and I'll say it again.
 If your going to do it.. You might as well do it right. I started a blog last year that was suppose to be a journal for my family. I have 2 kids a husband, a dog nieces and nephews, sisters brothers inlaws outlaws. Friends all of the above. It was suppose to be a year book of sorts. but its become some what of an outlet for me. I write (badly) for me, for a sense of peace in my crazy hectic life. I write for an escape from screaming kids, barking dogs, dishes and laundry that is constantly calling my name..
        Im a girl that wears many hats.  I wear a baseball cap to play with my kids in. I wear a chefs hat at breakfast lunch and dinner time. I wear a police hat for when i need to lay down "the Law" of my land. I wear a tiara for tea time with my daughter and a LAb coat for my son, when we read our science books and (geek) out on dinosaur knowledge.. 
          But when I write.. I take them all off. I pull my hair down and I let it all out. I just go. and Theres no stopping me.. I could literally write a spiral notebook to death.. until the binding comes off and ink runs through all pages.. I could do that in a day. Mostly unimportant to all but me. I write nonsense journals. I write poems that dont make any sense to anyone but me. and that is whats imporatant to my soul. I can write until my fingers bleed. I can type until my wrist lock from carpel tunnel.
         Okay.. So back to Dying for something Sacred.. Im going to write this blog for me! Just for me, and return the other one back to my family and allow the fun that we have to spit on the pages of our Erickson family Yearbook. So this is going to be a journal of sorts. (I know i totally stole the idea from jrc) ooooops.. I hope you dont mind. Starting tomorrow.. because im extremly tired...


  1. We all need our own space and journal that is not connected to anything but yourself. Its how you gain perspective and grow.

  2. I like it and I think I will take your idea and run with it as well. :)
