What it takes to do what I do everyday.
Acting Skills, Teaching Skills, Writing Skills, Healing Skills, Reading Skills, Math Skills, Cooking Skills, Believing in the impossible skills. And most importantly Binge Drinking Skills.
Not everyone can do it.. and only the Greats
(Like me) can do it well.. Being a Mother, A wife, A lover, a fighter, a Narrator, A director, a teacher of fine human skills is hard work.. And this is how I do it. Or try anyway.
(Like me) can do it well.. Being a Mother, A wife, A lover, a fighter, a Narrator, A director, a teacher of fine human skills is hard work.. And this is how I do it. Or try anyway.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
World Aids day.
tomorrow is World Aids day.
Go buy some Mac Viva Glam Lipstick 100% of its proceeds go to The MAc Aids fund. That money goes towards medication, counseling and community awareness. Its amazing. Im definitely going to buy 2 or 3 tomorrow.
Post Secret..
(Jeanna, I totally stole this from you.. Hope you don't mind! )
Postsecret.com. Is one of those sites that you can waste hours of time on. Not doing anything but reading peoples Post-it secrets.
This is the one, that totally made me stop and think.. Are there things that I want to tell people? Yes, yes there is. I'm not one to bite my tongue.. infact, I can be down right bitchy and mean if I dont want to be nice. I am completely honest, I tell people what I think and I (most of the time) dont feel any remorse. Are there anythings that you want to say but dont have the gumption to say it? Write it out.
Postsecret.com. Is one of those sites that you can waste hours of time on. Not doing anything but reading peoples Post-it secrets.
This is the one, that totally made me stop and think.. Are there things that I want to tell people? Yes, yes there is. I'm not one to bite my tongue.. infact, I can be down right bitchy and mean if I dont want to be nice. I am completely honest, I tell people what I think and I (most of the time) dont feel any remorse. Are there anythings that you want to say but dont have the gumption to say it? Write it out.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Its no Secret... (I added the picture to break up the monotomy)
... That I desperately struggle with the whole church thing. I am LDS. (or mormon) to the rest of the world. I am not a die hard Mormon Mom. That doesnt shop on Sunday, that doesnt drink alcohol, that doesnt let the kids drink caffien or watch Tv on Sunday. Im not a prayer at the dinner table kinda a girl, Im not a Prayer before kinda a girl either.
I am however, Passionate about Christ. I truly believe in god. I cant wake up everyday and see all of this beautiful snow or the Majestic mountains and not believe in Something. I cant live my life without knowing that there isnt something after all of this. Just birth, life and death.. That cant be it right?
Well heres my struggle. As "Mormons" we believe that you have to pay tithing (10%) of everything you gain to the church. That money doesnt go into the pockets of Grumpy old Rich men it actually goes to really great things like Building churches or temples in communities that wouldnt otherwise have something like that in their backyard. But according to scripture it is told that if we dont tithe we will not get into the "celestial kingdom" which is the highest degree of heaven. The only degree in which we can be with our spouses. that piece of "doctrine" has been drilled into my head since I was a little kid. Dont pay your tithing, don't get to heaven with your husband. Pretty heavy huh? I hate paying tithing. Just because Ten percent is a lot for my family, and really? Am i going to be banned from heaven if I dont give 10% of my money to the church? I have a hard time believing that. Another struggle. Do I believe that Joseph Smith was chosen by the Lord to be a vessel? So that he can bring the only "true" church back to the world? Im not so sure. Do I believe that Joseph Smith was a good man that did a ton of good things for people and was wrongfully persecuted for things that he thought were to be true? yes. A little cooky? maybe.. But he was a good man, with good family morals that focused on only good things. The Book of Mormon... "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" I think its a book full of good stories, of Love. Heart ache. Physical emotional and spiritual uplift. Do I believe that Christ came to the new Americas? Absolutely. I don't think his experiences were limited to the middle east. So heres what im getting at. Everytime I tell someone that im not really sure I believe everything that the "Church" has told me I just keep getting told "pray harder:" Belive me, I have prayed. I have been broken down. On my very very last ounce of energy. I have cried and cried and pleaded with the Lord to tell me if its all true.. Im still waiting. Im not looking for a flash of lightening or a burning in my bosom. Im not looking for an obvious sign. IM just looking. Waiting, and living the best life I can. Im a good person, with good morals. A love for everyone and a life that I am willing to give for anyone. Hopefully, that is enough.
I am however, Passionate about Christ. I truly believe in god. I cant wake up everyday and see all of this beautiful snow or the Majestic mountains and not believe in Something. I cant live my life without knowing that there isnt something after all of this. Just birth, life and death.. That cant be it right?
Well heres my struggle. As "Mormons" we believe that you have to pay tithing (10%) of everything you gain to the church. That money doesnt go into the pockets of Grumpy old Rich men it actually goes to really great things like Building churches or temples in communities that wouldnt otherwise have something like that in their backyard. But according to scripture it is told that if we dont tithe we will not get into the "celestial kingdom" which is the highest degree of heaven. The only degree in which we can be with our spouses. that piece of "doctrine" has been drilled into my head since I was a little kid. Dont pay your tithing, don't get to heaven with your husband. Pretty heavy huh? I hate paying tithing. Just because Ten percent is a lot for my family, and really? Am i going to be banned from heaven if I dont give 10% of my money to the church? I have a hard time believing that. Another struggle. Do I believe that Joseph Smith was chosen by the Lord to be a vessel? So that he can bring the only "true" church back to the world? Im not so sure. Do I believe that Joseph Smith was a good man that did a ton of good things for people and was wrongfully persecuted for things that he thought were to be true? yes. A little cooky? maybe.. But he was a good man, with good family morals that focused on only good things. The Book of Mormon... "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" I think its a book full of good stories, of Love. Heart ache. Physical emotional and spiritual uplift. Do I believe that Christ came to the new Americas? Absolutely. I don't think his experiences were limited to the middle east. So heres what im getting at. Everytime I tell someone that im not really sure I believe everything that the "Church" has told me I just keep getting told "pray harder:" Belive me, I have prayed. I have been broken down. On my very very last ounce of energy. I have cried and cried and pleaded with the Lord to tell me if its all true.. Im still waiting. Im not looking for a flash of lightening or a burning in my bosom. Im not looking for an obvious sign. IM just looking. Waiting, and living the best life I can. Im a good person, with good morals. A love for everyone and a life that I am willing to give for anyone. Hopefully, that is enough.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sick of me yet?
I know this is like my 4th post today..
ever feel like you have so much to say and no one to say it to? Like everyones ears are plugged and u dont feel like your getting anywhere with your words? Thats me today.. I feel like I just need to talk (or type) in this case.. I dont care if anyone listens.. but when I have so much in me to say I just need to get it out.. Type it out.. Sing it out.. Cry it out.. Scream it out.. I dont know.
I am feeling a little bit unsatisfied. With everything.. With my life.. With my Husband.. With my kids.. With myself.. Pretty much with everything. I just feel like there is so much more out there for me.. Like ive been stuffed in a sardine can.. With all the other sardines.. Waiting for someone to tun that little nob and unscrew me.. I'm feel like I can grow so much more than I have.. I'm 25 years old, I've been married for almost 8 years.. ITs been pretty great most of the time.. There have been some really serious challenges but i just brush them off and move forward. I absolutly love my husband..dont get me wrong.. But is love ever really enough? We dont fight. He works so hard for us.. He does whatever I ask of him, he loves his kids with such Reckless abandon.. He is willing to take a bullet or get hit by a train for the people that he loves. I should be clinging onto him like he is it.. But i feel my grasp slipping away. its been 8 years.. Its been 8 years..
We live with my parents. I bow down to there every command. I do the Grocery Shopping, the dishes, the cleaning the cooking to taking care of.. And I feel like theres no one to take care of me.. It would be nice for once to not have to drive myself to the emergency room, I spent all last sunday in the emergency room. by myself.. suffering from a kidney stone passing.. I just wish someone would have been there with me.. To hold the barf bucket or push the nurse call button.. Or just to tell me its going to be okay.. Is that selfish? Am I being Selfish? Pity Party much?
I feel like I'm slipping away from me.. The girl who is fun, and care free and loving.. I feel like im becoming mean and bitter. I feel like im becoming the girl that no one wants to be friends with.. I want to be the girl that gets invited to things, the one that people actually want to be around. I want to be held.. I want someone to hold my hand.. I want someone to kiss me with so much passion that I think i am going to die.. is that too much to ask for? Maybe it is true that you cant have everything..
ever feel like you have so much to say and no one to say it to? Like everyones ears are plugged and u dont feel like your getting anywhere with your words? Thats me today.. I feel like I just need to talk (or type) in this case.. I dont care if anyone listens.. but when I have so much in me to say I just need to get it out.. Type it out.. Sing it out.. Cry it out.. Scream it out.. I dont know.
I am feeling a little bit unsatisfied. With everything.. With my life.. With my Husband.. With my kids.. With myself.. Pretty much with everything. I just feel like there is so much more out there for me.. Like ive been stuffed in a sardine can.. With all the other sardines.. Waiting for someone to tun that little nob and unscrew me.. I'm feel like I can grow so much more than I have.. I'm 25 years old, I've been married for almost 8 years.. ITs been pretty great most of the time.. There have been some really serious challenges but i just brush them off and move forward. I absolutly love my husband..dont get me wrong.. But is love ever really enough? We dont fight. He works so hard for us.. He does whatever I ask of him, he loves his kids with such Reckless abandon.. He is willing to take a bullet or get hit by a train for the people that he loves. I should be clinging onto him like he is it.. But i feel my grasp slipping away. its been 8 years.. Its been 8 years..
We live with my parents. I bow down to there every command. I do the Grocery Shopping, the dishes, the cleaning the cooking to taking care of.. And I feel like theres no one to take care of me.. It would be nice for once to not have to drive myself to the emergency room, I spent all last sunday in the emergency room. by myself.. suffering from a kidney stone passing.. I just wish someone would have been there with me.. To hold the barf bucket or push the nurse call button.. Or just to tell me its going to be okay.. Is that selfish? Am I being Selfish? Pity Party much?
I feel like I'm slipping away from me.. The girl who is fun, and care free and loving.. I feel like im becoming mean and bitter. I feel like im becoming the girl that no one wants to be friends with.. I want to be the girl that gets invited to things, the one that people actually want to be around. I want to be held.. I want someone to hold my hand.. I want someone to kiss me with so much passion that I think i am going to die.. is that too much to ask for? Maybe it is true that you cant have everything..
Girls Girls Girls..
There are a couple of girls that are really starting to get on my nerves..
they are caddy.. Insecure.. bitchy.. Stupid and everything else imaginable..
Im tired of it.. I try to be kind.. I try really really hard to keep the peace..
but the peace has just about been thrown out the window.
I am trying to be friends with everyone.. Trying to love everyone.'
Trying not to stoop to the level where someone could categorize me in the "bitchy mean" girl category..
You're Impossible But Lovely..
I hate and love Money.. Its blissful and blistering. Its Painful and Precious..
Payday is Bittersweet. You get money just to give money..
I wish it wasnt illegal to print your own money.. cause I would..
Is there a money tree? Gold at the end of the rainbow?
Billion dollar man? Cause I need to find one of them!
Payday is Bittersweet. You get money just to give money..
I wish it wasnt illegal to print your own money.. cause I would..
Is there a money tree? Gold at the end of the rainbow?
Billion dollar man? Cause I need to find one of them!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Cross Roads..
Ever come to one of those Crossraods in life.. Where u just have to choose.. Where to go, What to do, Who to love, Who not to love, Who to forgive, Who to forget.. ect?
Well I think im at one of those Crossroads.. Trying to figure out which path I should take..
I turn to Robert Frost for the answer.. He was so amazing with his words.. A poem written in 1915, who would have thought would be so relevant in my life today.. Thanks Mr. Frost.. I too shall take the road less traveled.. and I hope it will also make All the difference..
Robert Frost.. Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Well I think im at one of those Crossroads.. Trying to figure out which path I should take..
I turn to Robert Frost for the answer.. He was so amazing with his words.. A poem written in 1915, who would have thought would be so relevant in my life today.. Thanks Mr. Frost.. I too shall take the road less traveled.. and I hope it will also make All the difference..
Robert Frost.. Road Not Taken
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same.
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Reaching out..
Hey everyone..
I try really hard not to get too involved in different Organizations and things on my public Forum. But this one I feel strongly about. A friend of mine is going through a really rough time, He's son Kyler was born to the most Loving Father in the world.. Kylers mother on the other hand is another story. Please follow the link below and read the Story. Kyler was born in August he is a small innocent little guy and they need help to get him into a proper home. Please Blog Friends, anything will help. Prayers are also bieng called for. We don't want the justice system to fail this little guy, before he even has a chance.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
"When the Rich Wage War its the Poor that Die"
I'm not going to say that I know A lot about Politics.
I'm not going to say that I understand Much about it
I'm not going to say that I know the reasons why war is neccesary
Or why its unnecessary.. All I am going to say is this.. Not through My words but the words of Linkin Park.. Read the Lyrics and then listen to the song.. Its Amazing!!
Hands Held high... Linkin Park
Turn my mic up louder I got to say something
Light weights step to the side when we come in
Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running
Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping
Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and
Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping
Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for
Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for
Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor
Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank
These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect
For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"
In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen
World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions
Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me
Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away
It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine
On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"
With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.
I'm not going to say that I understand Much about it
I'm not going to say that I know the reasons why war is neccesary
Or why its unnecessary.. All I am going to say is this.. Not through My words but the words of Linkin Park.. Read the Lyrics and then listen to the song.. Its Amazing!!
Hands Held high... Linkin Park
Turn my mic up louder I got to say something
Light weights step to the side when we come in
Feel it in your chest the syllables get pumping
People on the street they panic and start running
Words on loose leaf sheet complete coming
I jump in my mind and summon the rhyme, I'm dumping
Healing the blind I promise to let the sun in
Sick of the dark ways we march to the drum and
Jump when they tell us that they wanna see jumping
Fuck that I wanna see some fists pumping
Risk something, take back what's yours
Say something that you know they might attack you for
Cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before
Like it's stupid standing for what I'm standing for
Like this war's really just a different brand of war
Like it doesn't cater the rich and abandon poor
Like they understand you in the back of the jet
When you can't put gas in your tank
These fuckers are laughing their way to the bank and cashing the cheque
Asking you to have compassion and have some respect
For a leader so nervous in an obvious way
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
In their living room laughing like "what did he say?"
In my living room watching but I am not laughing
Cause when it gets tense I know what might happen
World is cold the bold men take action
Have to react or get blown into fractions
Ten years old it's something to see
Another kid my age drugged under a jeep
Taken and bound and found later under a tree
I wonder if he had thought the next one could be me
Do you see the soldiers they're out today
They brush the dust from bullet proof vests away
It's ironic at times like this you pray
But a bomb blew the mosque up yesterday
There's bombs in the buses, bikes, roads
Inside your market, your shops, your clothes
My dad he's got a lot of fear I know
But enough pride inside not to let that show
My brother had a book he would hold with pride
A little red cover with a broken spine
On the back, he hand-wrote a quote inside
When the rich wage war it's the poor who die
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day
both scared and angry like "what did he say?"
With hands held high into the sky so blue,
As the ocean opens up to swallow you.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Its Every where
Its your sister, Its your mother
Its your Bother
Its your Best friend
Yes not everyone is Depressed All the time
Not everyone is depressed ever.
Not everyone is depressed at one time or another.
I know I try to hide it.
I know I try to tuck it away.
I know I dont cut myself, or other forms of self mutilation
I know I dont threaten to commit suicide.
I know I dont cry all the time in front of you.
Be aware of it. Its all Around You..
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
*warning... I dont have my glasses on so if my words are a little jumbled thats why..
A couple weeks ago I took a really really hot shower at like 10:30 at night.
I opened the shower window and I saw the shadow of the trees swaying in the wind. It made me think about life..
How things arent always what they appear, or often time things look better from another angle. My daughter hangs herself upside down on anything she can swing on. the couch, the treadmill (I know super dangerous). She always tells me that i'm upside down. and when I say no my love Im right side up and your upside down she says "not from where I'm sittin" So it makes me wonder.. A child sees things from ground level and as they get older there perspective changes. goes from seeing things in a literal sense to a more objective state of mind. I try to look at things Objectively.
When I was standing in the shower inthe steam it created while the cold outside air mixed with the hot steam from the shower I realized something. I realized that life isnt made to be taken literally or Objectively its made to be taken with each breath, each kiss, each hand hold, each laugh, each prayer, each tear. Its ment to be lived and not examined. Examintation should be set aside for more seriously things..
Im not really sure what Im getting at.
the trees had this overwhelming sense of peace. Standing strong enough to withhold even the most powerful of winds. But Gentle enough to lean in praise to the newly snowed on Mountains. I just starred at the quivering leaves.. The Gentleness of it all seemed so peaceful. like I was sitting silently on the porch with a cup of hot chocolate and my best friend. We can say everything without saying anything..
Pretty sure this is the equevelint of a Drunk Blog since im so tired and I cant see. But you know, when a girls gotta write.. Shes got to write~
A couple weeks ago I took a really really hot shower at like 10:30 at night.
I opened the shower window and I saw the shadow of the trees swaying in the wind. It made me think about life..
How things arent always what they appear, or often time things look better from another angle. My daughter hangs herself upside down on anything she can swing on. the couch, the treadmill (I know super dangerous). She always tells me that i'm upside down. and when I say no my love Im right side up and your upside down she says "not from where I'm sittin" So it makes me wonder.. A child sees things from ground level and as they get older there perspective changes. goes from seeing things in a literal sense to a more objective state of mind. I try to look at things Objectively.
When I was standing in the shower inthe steam it created while the cold outside air mixed with the hot steam from the shower I realized something. I realized that life isnt made to be taken literally or Objectively its made to be taken with each breath, each kiss, each hand hold, each laugh, each prayer, each tear. Its ment to be lived and not examined. Examintation should be set aside for more seriously things..
Im not really sure what Im getting at.
the trees had this overwhelming sense of peace. Standing strong enough to withhold even the most powerful of winds. But Gentle enough to lean in praise to the newly snowed on Mountains. I just starred at the quivering leaves.. The Gentleness of it all seemed so peaceful. like I was sitting silently on the porch with a cup of hot chocolate and my best friend. We can say everything without saying anything..
Pretty sure this is the equevelint of a Drunk Blog since im so tired and I cant see. But you know, when a girls gotta write.. Shes got to write~
Monday, November 15, 2010
Doom and Gloom.
Bieng Sick makes me have this really bad doom and gloom attitude
Im usually a glass half full kind of a girl but lately its like..
My glass is half empty.. such a great metaphor..
I swear I am going to take a shower and let all of this insecurity and gloominess wash away with it all.
All of my tears all of my pain will go down in drain.. And the water will bring on a Fresh new sense of hope, happiness and love. Heres to tomorrow!
Im usually a glass half full kind of a girl but lately its like..
My glass is half empty.. such a great metaphor..
I swear I am going to take a shower and let all of this insecurity and gloominess wash away with it all.
All of my tears all of my pain will go down in drain.. And the water will bring on a Fresh new sense of hope, happiness and love. Heres to tomorrow!
Heart broken..
You know when u go through life and u realize that u have made some uber mistakes..
100,000 years later and u dont really remember what happened, all you really know is that u hurt peoples feelings, or rubbed people the wrong way.. Or said something offensive?
Well I came to the realization that I did All of those things.. It makes me sad and Im not sure what to do about it.
there are a couple people in my life that were directly effected by choices I made or things that I have sad. I'm trying to make and keep friendships.. And I've realized that I have ruined a lot of non-existent friendships that could have become amazing but were stopped before they were even started.. I use to think it was ok to talk about people behind there backs. To use people against each other and to get into the middle of fights I wasn't even a part of. I get so excited about the he said-she said crap.. I would get super jealous over dumb things.. Tell big huge whoppin lies and then stumble to keep them straight..
Im not that girl anymore.. I havent been that girl in a super long time.. I wont ever be that girl again. But Ive come to realize that who I was has kind of tainted people views of who I am now..
I'm actually a really really good friend. I am loyal and I'll stand up for you and behind u.. The friends I do have I have kept for a very long time. My very best friend i have had since I was 11. She knows who I am.. The real me.. The broken down me. The me that doesn't have makeup on or perfect hair.. The me that snores and talks when she sleeps. The me that Went through hell and back.. She was there for me through every mistake and triumph. She was there for me every through every broken heart and love spell.. I'm so lucky to have her..
.. You are absolutely my best friend.. My sister.. I am so thankful for everything that u have done and will do for me. U have held my hand through the toughest and most amazing things in my life. I love you girl! I hope I have and will continue to return the favor because I owe u that..
Sunday, November 14, 2010
By Kidney Stone..
I literally thought I was going to die today.. I could not believe the agony I was in.. and what was it caused by you ask? a 2 Millimeter Jaggedy hard little piece of Calcium Carbonate.. Sliding its way through my urinary Tract.. I have a super migraine now, and im in a lot of pain still from all of it.. But hopefully tomorrow I wont be dying of Kidney stones..
Maybe Ill be Dying of laughter.. or have Death by chocolate.. Or Loved to death.. We will see what tomorrow brings..
As for me, Im just glad today is over and I can wake up whole again!
my kidneys are trying to ruin my life.. I'm sitting in the emergency room with an iv in my arm.. o2 in my nose feeling I'm on the brink of death.. my kidneys don't like me today.. the only plus side is that they have a decent wifi connection.. so much for a nice relaxing movie day with my kiddos..
Saturday, November 13, 2010
EEEHEEEM.. Excuse me while I whine for a minute..
I'm all alone on a Saturday night.. Eating Velveeta cheese and salsa with Tortilla chips
Drinking entirely too much Dr. Pepper.. and Dreaming about a nice warm body to cuddle with!
Im going to go cry my eyes out watching a sappy girlie movie all alone..
Good night Blogville.. See you all in the morning!
I'm all alone on a Saturday night.. Eating Velveeta cheese and salsa with Tortilla chips
Drinking entirely too much Dr. Pepper.. and Dreaming about a nice warm body to cuddle with!
Im going to go cry my eyes out watching a sappy girlie movie all alone..
Good night Blogville.. See you all in the morning!
I am feeling a little bit overwhelmed all of the sudden
My thoughts are spinning out of control
and my heart is beating out of my chest
I was just talking to a friend about our kids.
He has 2 little girls and I have a boy and 1 girl
Our oldest kids are much the same.
They are both Very smart, they would rather
read books about Real things.
Dinosaurs, Planets, Animals. Then play at recess..
I am so worried that I am not doing enough to prepare My son for
The most difficult time of his life.. School
Everyday when he gets on that school bus to get him to first grade
I cringe at the thought of him going there and getting bullied
I am so scared that he is going to be Tormented Like i was.
I dont want him to go through that.
I dont want him to have to cower in the bathroom stall
In fear of his tormenters humiliating him.
I was called the most Horrible names in school
I dont want him to go through that.
I dont want him to be ridiculed for bieng tall and skinny
He has no interest in sports
He has no interest in Tough things.
He loves the computers, he loves video games
He loves to learn and read
I am so proud of that, but is it going to be at his expense?
All day long I can be proud of him
I can love him with ever ounce of me
And I do, I love him.
But is love enough to get him through the most
trying times in a childs life?
I dont know..
What is a mother to do?
Hi, My name is Katrina Erickson..
I am a talk-aholic
and when someone like me
has No-Filter
It can get out of hand.
I come off as abrassive
And Mean, when all I need to do it STFUP!!
I guess im going to have to start carrying around with me
a Muzzel of a Role of Duct Tape..
Add a little bit of Alcohol into the mix and I get down right
From now on, Im going to think before I speak...
The first step of Recovery is admittance..
So here I am infront of all of my Fabulous readers
Admitting what I am.
A Talk-aholic
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Dear Amazon.com
You just lost a Very Loyal costumer of many years.
I will no longer be buying things from you, Selling books on your site or buying things from people on your site.
I am so disgusted by your inability to draw Ethical lines. Promoting books such as "A pedophiles guide" will not be tolerated by me or my family.
Disgusted Consumer
I will no longer be buying things from you, Selling books on your site or buying things from people on your site.
I am so disgusted by your inability to draw Ethical lines. Promoting books such as "A pedophiles guide" will not be tolerated by me or my family.
Disgusted Consumer
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Moment of Silence..
I just wanted to take a few minutes to remember and honor some of the cases over the past few years that have really affected me.. News stories and such.. Just pictures.. Names and dates.. No explanation because It would take me hrs.. If you have any questions about what has happened to these people Google them.. They all have amazing stories, and all of their lives were cut painfully short..
Lacey Peterson. Her and her baby Connor, Murdered and dumped in the ocean.. Lacey was 9 month pregnant and Baby Connor was still in Utero
Zahra Baker.. 10 yrs old.. Dissappeared and has not been seen. Her Prosthetic leg was found at the dump and they are searching for her body.
Susan Powell.. Dissappeared Dec 2009..
Remember these People and their families as we continue on to the holidays. I dont know about you but remembering these people and all of the others that lives have been so ended WAY to soon will allow me to hug my kids a little bit tighter.. Love them a little bit deeper..
RIP Friends I never knew..
Bobby Tillman.. Stomped to death While 15 people stood by and watched
Tyler Clementi, Committed suicide after bieng outed by his college roommates on the internet
Caylee Anthony.. Murdered by her mother so she could "get her life back"Zahra Baker.. 10 yrs old.. Dissappeared and has not been seen. Her Prosthetic leg was found at the dump and they are searching for her body.
Susan Powell.. Dissappeared Dec 2009..
Remember these People and their families as we continue on to the holidays. I dont know about you but remembering these people and all of the others that lives have been so ended WAY to soon will allow me to hug my kids a little bit tighter.. Love them a little bit deeper..
RIP Friends I never knew..
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
What are you thankful for??
Its November.
On my FB page I have been writing something I am thankful for
Here are a few more things I am thankful for
I am so thankful for my Children, they are healthy and happy.
They are beautiful and loving.
I am so thankful for My husband. Who works so hard for us
He loves me so completely, he is the best father to our children.
I am so thankful for my family.
We can be a little bit crazy and loud at times,
we can yell and scream at each other, but at the end of the day
There is love there. and thats all that matters in the end
I am so thankful for my health
I am a little bit squishy in some areas
but all in all i am pretty healthy.
I am thankful for tears,
Tears of pain, tears of joy, tears of laughter
Because through those tears I get Strength.
I am thankful for my 2 nieces and my 5 nephews
They absolutley make me happy.
I am so thankful for my friends. If im having a bad day
I know i can call for help, for hope or just for a hug.
I literally could go on all day about the things I am thankful for
What are you thankful for?
Thinking about it is making my day a little bit better
Goodnight everyone!!
Im feeling incredibly broken today
Shattered into pieces
My heart is heavy with grief
My eyes are heavy with tears
Im have trouble breathing
and I am feeling hopeless
Im tired. Im scared
Im ready for it all to be over
If it werent for my children
It would be.
Im not brave enough today
To push aside my OCTD
Im not strong enough today
To wipe away my own Tears
Im not ready to die
But im not strong enough to live
Im not suicidal just praying for
Please help me see the beauty behind the Darkness
Please give me a glimmer of hope
Please take me away from my pain
And deliver me from dread
Please Lift me up
Please carry my burden,
Please bring me piece.
Please help me hold on
Please Carry me until I can walk on my own.
Monday, November 8, 2010
"I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue"
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue"
Jason Mraz
So, I was driving today with BB Austin in the back seat sleeping..
I was singing along to this song and these lyrics came up..
"our name is our virtue" and I thought to myself..What does my name mean? I cant ever remember
A time when I actually sat down and thought about my name.
Where does it come from? What does it mean?
This is what i learned by google and talking to my mom and dad,
about where it came from.
The girl's name Katrina \k(a)-tri-na, kat-rina\
is pronounced ka-TREE-nah.
Variant short form of Katherine (Greek) "pure".
So there you have it.. My name means "pure"I was named after this person

Katrina Van Tassel..
Resident of Sleepy Hollow
I asked my parents why and they said it was because
She was beautiful and she knew how to work her magic on a town.
They wanted me to be strong willed and loved by all..
Pretty much nailed me on the head..If I do say so myself.. haha
So there you go.
My Name Is Katrina.. It means pure..
Im going to have to work on making my life
a little bit like my name.. Purer.. if thats even a word.. :)
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Anais Nin
Kept me Sane today.
I keep thinking about this quote.
Im trying really really hard to just remember this
MY perfect, imperfections are whats keeping me okay today.
The Sighs of Grief that come with my OCTD
The Constant fear of death.
The Constant worry of the unknown.
Are set aside at this moment
For me to just Breath.
Remembering that on the other side of grief is Sanity.
Behind every tear is a smile
Behind every sob is laughter..
Just remembering that.. Through Anais Nin
Is making everything okay today..
Saturday, November 6, 2010
One moment Please
Excuse me While I wipe the Crazies off of my face..
Today has been quite a struggle..
My mood is good on the outside but shaking on the inside.
All of my days consist of the same things..
A constant effort to stay sane.
To not let the craziness inside me out.
Locked away in a vault marked..
Open and Die!!
Allowing myself to be taken over by all the demons I have inside me..
The Death and destruction of my thoughts..
The Horror in my dreams.
I wouldnt be able to make it.
sucking the very breath that gives me life..
today im drowning in fear..
Bieng swallowed whole..
Both of my kids are over at friends house
My husband is baking...
and im secretly Dying inside..
Today has been quite a struggle..
My mood is good on the outside but shaking on the inside.
All of my days consist of the same things..
A constant effort to stay sane.
To not let the craziness inside me out.
Locked away in a vault marked..
Open and Die!!
Allowing myself to be taken over by all the demons I have inside me..
The Death and destruction of my thoughts..
The Horror in my dreams.
I wouldnt be able to make it.
sucking the very breath that gives me life..
today im drowning in fear..
Bieng swallowed whole..
Both of my kids are over at friends house
My husband is baking...
and im secretly Dying inside..
Friday, November 5, 2010
ME against the WORLD
Seriously thats what it feels like today..
Im moving in 1 direction and the World is pulling me into another..
Im doing wrong, while everyone around me is doing right..
Im fighting and everyone else is holding still..
Hopefully tomorrow ill be moving in the same direction..
Im moving in 1 direction and the World is pulling me into another..
Im doing wrong, while everyone around me is doing right..
Im fighting and everyone else is holding still..
Hopefully tomorrow ill be moving in the same direction..
The soothing of a Soul..
Have you ever just prayed (to whomever you believe in) for a soul soothing session?
I know I have... I've prayed for Relief. I've Prayed for Sanctuary, I've prayed for Amnesty.. and whenever I do, relief comes in the form of a song..
For those of you who know me, and those who don't. I am a musician. (Kinda of) I sing, I play the violin, I write lyrics, Make up tunes. and I listen to music all day everyday. I get so lost in it.
For example, I cleaned the house im living in from Top to bottom.. Which I'm sure hasn't happened since the late 1980's Which is when my parental units moved into this Lovely house.. I turned on my Ipod and just cleaned. It made 8 hrs of cleaning feel more like 2...
I eat, sleep and Breath music..
I hear it in everything I do. I hear it in the fall, the quivering leaves falling to the ground. The thunderstorms of a late spring evening, The sound the microwave makes when the turntable is on. The sound of my children s laughter. That is where I find my Relief.. Through the music and sounds of living my life everyday.
I have obsessive compulsive thinking disorder.
I constantly think about death.. I recognize the craziness in my words.. I cannot just turn it off, I cant think of something else.. I cant breathe and move on. Its impossible.. It gets so bad sometimes that I am frozen with fear, cannot get out from under the protection of my comforter. I cant unfasten my seat belt in the car and I sit in the driveway in park without being able to move. I keep a pair of headphones handy at all times. So when im drenched in fear I can turn on my mp3 player on my phone and just listen.. Thats the only time my thoughts stop. I get lost in the beat of the drums.. The vibrato in the Violin. My brain lets go of fear and peace runs through my body like an iv full of morphine.. The weight is lifted and I can move on.. Today is one of those days.. Fear is being forced out by music.. Ill hang onto it until i fall asleep tonight.. So today I pray for batteries to hold strong, and Peace.. Peace...
Thursday, November 4, 2010
50 things I love
These are 50 things I LOOOOVE in (No) particular order!
1. I Heart T.V.
1. I Heart T.V.
2. I Heart Dr. Pepper
3. I Heart being an adult.
4. I Heart anything that has to do with love
5. I Heart my 2 sisters.
6. I Heart my baby Brother
7. I Heart The Biggest Loser
8. I Heart My 2 nieces and my 5 nephews
9. I Heart the Military
10. I Heart my cell phone
11. I Heart Writing
12. I Heart Scentsy
13. I Heart my AMAZING Husband
14. I Heart Birthdays
15. I Heart Vodka Cranberries
16. I Heart my kiddos
17. I Heart goodnight kisses
18. I Heart Snuggling
19. I Heart Opiates.. (lol)
20. I Heart NYC
21. I Heart Blogging
22. I Heart Babies
23. I Heart Shoes
24. I Heart getting my Nails done
25. I Heart Getting my hair done
26. I Heart Pedicures
27. I Heart Glee
28. I Heart the color Pink
29. I Heart Musicals. (esp. Rent)
30. I Heart Singing
31. I Heart Showers
32. I Heart Sighting the Pledge of allegiance. I always always cry
33. I Heart bieng an American
34. I Heart (most of the time) Democracy
35. I Heart God
36. I Heart Forever 21
37. I Heart Sweaters
38. I Heart Maxi dresses
39. I Heart Hearts
40. I Heart giggling
41. I Heart Hymns
42. I Heart girlfriends
43. I Heart everyone.
44. I Heart Facebook
45. I Heart Kirstie Alley
46. I Heart White Christmas the Movie
47. I Heart date night
48. I Heart Soccer
49. I Heart watching my kids laugh
50. I Heart a good cry.
ugh.. Day 4
I spent the whole day cleaning and degreasing and dedusting and dejunking this house.. Ugh is all I have to say.. I literally started at 10 am and didnt stop until 4:30.. It looks a lot better and I rearranged some things but it is still in serious need of a major overhaul.. All the way down to the floor boards..
Running away seems like a much better idea right now. but since that option is off the table I guess ill just keep on cleaning until I can stand being here.
On a much lighter note.. Kristina (big sister) is back and so is baby Austin. Along with baby Austins Dad Grant.. Hopefully its smooth sailing. and all goes well.. But with this many super loud super opinionated people it might get a little loud.. As for me.. The microwave is calling my name with the chicken thats defrosting.. soon to be battered and deep fried for everyones pleasure..
Running away seems like a much better idea right now. but since that option is off the table I guess ill just keep on cleaning until I can stand being here.
On a much lighter note.. Kristina (big sister) is back and so is baby Austin. Along with baby Austins Dad Grant.. Hopefully its smooth sailing. and all goes well.. But with this many super loud super opinionated people it might get a little loud.. As for me.. The microwave is calling my name with the chicken thats defrosting.. soon to be battered and deep fried for everyones pleasure..
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Pen to Paper..
Im trying really hard not to let myself get to me.
I'm trying really really hard not to let breathing be hard
I'm trying really hard not to be a burdon
Living for me isnt good enough anymore..
I have to live for something, anything.
My children
My Husband
My friends
My nephews and neices
I have to live.. Even though its hard some days
Living is difficult when all I do is the same thing everyday.
Thats what my life is.. a constant effort to Eat Sleep and breath
Writing helps.
It gives me perspective. I recklessly allow myself to over think everything
and with Pen to paper,
I dont think.
The lack of thought gets me through the minutes it takes me to type my fears
my hopes
My dreams
My visions of the future.
So here i am.
Living in the now.
Living in the moment
Writing for me..
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I'll admit it.. I didn't vote.. I'm a bad bad bad Voter.. In fact in the 8 yrs i have been legally able to vote I haven't.. I swear on my honor and the honor of those around me that next time, I will proudly support the I voted badge on Face book.. but for now.. I will bitch about those who were elected privately to myself.. because without voting i allow someone else to choose for me.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Dying for something Sacred..
I've always said it, and I'll say it again.
If your going to do it.. You might as well do it right. I started a blog last year that was suppose to be a journal for my family. I have 2 kids a husband, a dog nieces and nephews, sisters brothers inlaws outlaws. Friends all of the above. It was suppose to be a year book of sorts. but its become some what of an outlet for me. I write (badly) for me, for a sense of peace in my crazy hectic life. I write for an escape from screaming kids, barking dogs, dishes and laundry that is constantly calling my name..
Im a girl that wears many hats. I wear a baseball cap to play with my kids in. I wear a chefs hat at breakfast lunch and dinner time. I wear a police hat for when i need to lay down "the Law" of my land. I wear a tiara for tea time with my daughter and a LAb coat for my son, when we read our science books and (geek) out on dinosaur knowledge..
But when I write.. I take them all off. I pull my hair down and I let it all out. I just go. and Theres no stopping me.. I could literally write a spiral notebook to death.. until the binding comes off and ink runs through all pages.. I could do that in a day. Mostly unimportant to all but me. I write nonsense journals. I write poems that dont make any sense to anyone but me. and that is whats imporatant to my soul. I can write until my fingers bleed. I can type until my wrist lock from carpel tunnel.
Okay.. So back to Dying for something Sacred.. Im going to write this blog for me! Just for me, and return the other one back to my family and allow the fun that we have to spit on the pages of our Erickson family Yearbook. So this is going to be a journal of sorts. (I know i totally stole the idea from jrc) ooooops.. I hope you dont mind. Starting tomorrow.. because im extremly tired...
If your going to do it.. You might as well do it right. I started a blog last year that was suppose to be a journal for my family. I have 2 kids a husband, a dog nieces and nephews, sisters brothers inlaws outlaws. Friends all of the above. It was suppose to be a year book of sorts. but its become some what of an outlet for me. I write (badly) for me, for a sense of peace in my crazy hectic life. I write for an escape from screaming kids, barking dogs, dishes and laundry that is constantly calling my name..
Im a girl that wears many hats. I wear a baseball cap to play with my kids in. I wear a chefs hat at breakfast lunch and dinner time. I wear a police hat for when i need to lay down "the Law" of my land. I wear a tiara for tea time with my daughter and a LAb coat for my son, when we read our science books and (geek) out on dinosaur knowledge..
But when I write.. I take them all off. I pull my hair down and I let it all out. I just go. and Theres no stopping me.. I could literally write a spiral notebook to death.. until the binding comes off and ink runs through all pages.. I could do that in a day. Mostly unimportant to all but me. I write nonsense journals. I write poems that dont make any sense to anyone but me. and that is whats imporatant to my soul. I can write until my fingers bleed. I can type until my wrist lock from carpel tunnel.
Okay.. So back to Dying for something Sacred.. Im going to write this blog for me! Just for me, and return the other one back to my family and allow the fun that we have to spit on the pages of our Erickson family Yearbook. So this is going to be a journal of sorts. (I know i totally stole the idea from jrc) ooooops.. I hope you dont mind. Starting tomorrow.. because im extremly tired...
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