What it takes to do what I do everyday.

Acting Skills, Teaching Skills, Writing Skills, Healing Skills, Reading Skills, Math Skills, Cooking Skills, Believing in the impossible skills. And most importantly Binge Drinking Skills.
Not everyone can do it.. and only the Greats
(Like me) can do it well.. Being a Mother, A wife, A lover, a fighter, a Narrator, A director, a teacher of fine human skills is hard work.. And this is how I do it. Or try anyway.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Today is V-Day
Single Awareness
Cupids Stupid
Lovers Day
Binge yourself on Chocolate                                            
and Strawberries Day.
Whatever you want to call it. 
I am here getting ready to make dinner.
On tonights menue
Heart Shaped Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Chicken Noodle Soup
and Heart Shaped Cherry 
Giggly Jello shapes. 

I have spent most of the day
being depressed
B/c J is in Wyoming working
instead of fullfilling my 
Romantic Comedyish
Valentine's Dreams
I realized a few hrs ago 
that I needed to stop being depressed
and start being Grateful.
J works sooo hard. 
He is 4 miles under ground 
in below freezing temperatures
Getting slung with Coal Mud and coal Dust

If he were doing what he wanted today
 he would be here. With us. 
Helping me make dinner
Spoiling our kids with Valentines Kisses and hugs

But instead he tied up his work boots
and went to work. 
He doesn't do it for anyone but
Me and my kids. 
He works so hard. 12 hrs a day 4 days a week
To bring home a pay check. So I dont have to work.
So I can be home to raise ouir children
and So we can have everything that we need And want.
I need to remember that. When I get mad that he doesnt
take a day off for Valentine's Day
To "Remind" ourselves of what the holiday is for.,
Love. We already know.
Its the reason why we do what we do.
Out of Love. 

So here's to your Valentines day.
May the sun rise and set with Love 
May your life be filled with everthing you need
May you get your secret Valentine's wish.
And remember what is right in front of you. 
I have friends. I have Kids.I have a roof over my head
and food in mine and my kids' bellies
Happy Valentines day.

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