What it takes to do what I do everyday.

Acting Skills, Teaching Skills, Writing Skills, Healing Skills, Reading Skills, Math Skills, Cooking Skills, Believing in the impossible skills. And most importantly Binge Drinking Skills.
Not everyone can do it.. and only the Greats
(Like me) can do it well.. Being a Mother, A wife, A lover, a fighter, a Narrator, A director, a teacher of fine human skills is hard work.. And this is how I do it. Or try anyway.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

word vomit

I feel like just throwing up words...
Just screaming them into my pillow..
Throwing them up and then watching them drown in the toilet.
I feel like writing them down and setting them ablaze..

Start the fire..
Feel the heat on my face
as my painful words 
turn to ash.

Ashes to send down the overflowing river
to a cold grave.

ashes to ashes.
Dust to dust.. 
Letting go of the hate in side me that the words 
You say bring. 
Weighing me down like an pair of led shoes in a deep ocean.
Pulling me into the darkness. impossible to get off. 
Losing are.. Suffocating by and ocean of 
hate.. a river of denial.. a Lake of self-pity..
YOU make me do this..
YOU make me want to cut into my legs 
YOU make me want to pull out my hair
YOU make me not sleep.
YOU make me want to die.. 

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